Summer Holiday in Greece

Wow, what a fabulous holiday my wife and I and our two kids had on the Island of Lefkada in Greece.  We had two full weeks of swimming in aqua waters, eating Greek salads, riding scooters all over the island and long afternoon siestas. Just a fabulous family time together which is not at all cool for teenagers and parents...but we all coped really well!! Myson spent a lot of time studying Latin in preparation for his last year in A levels.  My daughter took every opportunity to pose for a photograph and kept her eyes keenly peeled for the bronzed young men that were everywhere.  My wife fell in love once again with the Greek buildings and simple slower way of life.  I was personally very impressed by the work ethic that I found amongst a lot of the Greek businesses that I saw there.  The car rental shop and many of the grocery stores were models of hard work and industriousness. I was torn about losing work by being away but when I got back so many cameramen were exhausted and needed a break and I have since been busy.  Again the pictures say all about our family holiday.