About Me

Being a Cameraman is a seriously cool profession but it’s interesting how very few people (apart from Cameramen) really understand what the job entails. Obviously it entails different things to different levels of cameramen. Most people think of camera work as a very glamorous career making huge amounts of money. Hmm,not too sure about that...smiley face…check with the other guys if you don’t believe me.

Cameramen generally stay in the background and spend a lot of time dealing with the logistics of transport and equipment. The actual camera work can often be the shortest part of the day!! Not always...it depends entirely upon the particular shoot and what you are attempting for that day.  The best days are the days where you come away feeling very proud and very satisfied with the images that you produced.

There are of course many wonderful perks, and the greatest for me is the freedom that I enjoy being in charge of my own diary for the year. Even when working for a client, cameramen generally experience a lot of freedom.  Your full focus is always on doing a FANTASTIC job for that client but there are of course down times where you can relax a little also.

This reminds me of a piece of writing where the author said...“Surely the boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places”

Yup...it is a pretty cool profession!!